•Many studies have analyzed successful pedagogical models in order to enrich learning.
• Bloom’s Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives explains the different ways of knowing something and points out that this knowledge requires different levels of mental abstraction.
• The behaviorist model is based on a “stimulation-response” learning model and produces the bases of programmed teaching.
• The constructivist model views the error positively and is based on the fact that knowledge is built.
• Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism Model affirms that one learns best through contact with others, that learning must be collaborative.
• Cognitivism developed thanks to the emergence of computing, establishing a parallel between the mind/brain couple and the hardware/software couple.
Some principles to apply when constructing an assessment: structure knowledge, construct similar questions to allow repetition, provide concrete examples, vary supports, do short tests, present summary at end of test, leave comfortable period for response in order not to stress students out.[…]
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